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Physical Therapy Posture Correction Exercises

Dr. Kelly at Hands on Health showing you a physical therapy stretch to improve posture!

Sitting at a work desk for hours a day can take a toll on your posture. Here's a simple physical therapy posture correction exercise that you can do just about anywhere:

Start by finding a corner and placing a hand on each wall. Place one foot in the corner, and lean into the wall as if you're pressing your nose to the corner. Your shoulder blades should be pulling back behind you, allowing your chest to open up for some much needed tension relief.

This postural stretch breaks up shoulder tension, neck straining, spine compression, and lower back pain by opening up your chest and correcting shoulder posture.


For more physical therapy advice, exercises, and explanations, subscribe to the Hands on Health channel and bookmark this playlist! If there's anything in particular you'd like physical therapy advice on, you can leave a comment or send a message through our website. If you're interested in scheduling an appointment, both telehealth and in-person appointments are available through the booking section of our website!


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